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Nick Myerhoff Artist Biography Myerhoff bio.pdf

Nick is a fine artist living and working in San Francisco. His artwork is a whimsical combination of graffiti art, computer graphics, and craft collage. You can see his design work on Hot Wheels bicycles, Barbie scooters and top selling video games. His well known ceramic art has been in galleries and shows across the West Coast.

nick myerhoff painting
nick myerhoff ceramics

Growing up in Los Angeles, Nick was forced by his parents to take art classes from age 4. He has been making art continuously since then.

In Jr. High School Nick got into trouble for drawing on desks and took to pen and ink illustration with rapidiograph pens. Barely making it through high school, Nick ended up as an art major in a Lake Tahoe liberal arts college where in 1990 he received a B.F.A. with a major in ceramics.

Nick devoted himself entirely to mastering clay and wheel thrown pottery. For nearly 6 years he worked with ceramics, glazes and firing techniques, mentored by renowned artists like Vivika Heino and Rodney Mott.

After experimenting with found object art and even being arrested for dumpster diving, Nick found a commercial outlet for his craft in computer graphics. He excelled in his new career eventually becoming lead artist at Electronic Arts, a top software publisher in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In 2000, after 5 years as a video game designer, Nick took an Art Director position at Dynacraft, one of the largest bicycle company in the U.S. Under Nick’s direction, the Dynacraft design department successfully created a multitude of sports products for Costco, Target and Wal-Mart, and became the exclusive designer of Barbie and Hot Wheels bicycles for the mass market. For their work on Barbie and Hot Wheels, they were awarded licensee of the year by Mattel in 2005.

Nick has always been entrepreneurial and interested in the business side of art. Taking what he learned from his design experience, Nick started GirlRider in 2005, a graphically driven socially responsible apparel company. GirlRider was voted one of the top ten new brands in 2007 by Surf Expo and has been featured in Teen magazine and 7X7 magazine.

Nick’s graffiti trucker hats caught the attention of an events promoter from GenArt who invited him to perform live painting at a San Francisco Nokia event in 2007. This has led to Nick’s most recent focus as a Performance painter, a synthesis of his creative skills.


“Nick never does the obvious, but pushes himself to more original concepts that are executed in the most unexpected styles and media.
It is always inspirational to view his latest work.”

-Mel Sant
Adjunct Professor
Art Center College of Design
game design

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